Florida Cattleman’s Association Hosts Workshop on Managing Farm and Ranch Employees

Register now for a two-day seminar at the Florida Cattleman’s Association in Kissimmee in February that focuses on managing farm and ranch employees.

This February 21st and 22nd will see the Florida Cattleman’s Association hosting a seminar on managing farm and ranch employees. The lectureship is offered by Texas A & M’s King Ranch Institute of Ranch Management, and it offers two days of lectures led by Bob Milligan, PhD. He is the Senior Consultant with Dairy Strategies, LLC, and Professor Emeritus with Cornell University. See the details of this valuable lectureship below.

Managing Farm and Ranch Employees

According to the Kings Ranch Institute, the seminar will teach “how to manage the people in the ranching business, and will include leadership, supervision, coaching and hiring. It will include training in concepts of workforce planning. It is designed to build the skill-set of ranch managers so they can plan for, understand, and successfully lead current and future employees of the ranch.”

Learning objectives include:

  • Understand the value of identifying the future direction of the ranch and its workforce needs
  • Build skills in developing position descriptions, establishing performance expectations, and employee accountability
  • Learn effective recruitment, interviewing and hiring procedures
  • Identify employee training and development needs
  • Develop leadership skills for all workforce members
  • Learn supervisory and coaching skills including motivating employees and providing feedback
  • Understand labor laws impacting Ag worker employment
  • Learn complexities and components of the total benefits package

The cost of the seminar is $300, which covers materials, equipment, lunch and refreshments.

Get more details and register for the event here.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.


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