Find Optimal Citrus Tree Spacing for High-Density Plantings

See the advice in the UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article for choosing optimal citrus tree spacing for high-density plantings.

Due to citrus greening, Florida citrus growers are striving to improve the productivity and profitability of their citrus groves through high-density plantings, and a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article maintains that “choosing the optimal tree spacing is crucial.” The article shared considerations for finding optimal citrus tree spacing; see them below.

Considerations for Optimal Citrus Tree Spacing

According to the article, prior to citrus greening, conventional groves featured approximately 100 citrus trees per acre, but high-density groves can contain anywhere from 200 to 400 trees per acre, with some groves boasting 900 trees per acre. The article maintains that “In the early fruit-bearing years, the higher planting density enhances yield and net income.”

Considerations include looking at both the benefits and the drawbacks of high-density plantings. Considerations from the article for finding optimal tree spacing include:

  • “Dwarf rootstocks are used in high-density plantings because of their manageability.”
  • “Higher-density planting, however, can be challenging for various reasons. Trees need to be trimmed because of the crowding. Pickers cannot move between rows of trees when the space between them is filled.
  • “As a result of shadowing, light penetration into the lower canopy decreases as trees increase in height. Compared to conventional spacing, the initial investment, regular tree maintenance and potential future tree removal expenses are all higher.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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