Fertilizing New Sod

Get information for fertilizing new sod, either as a landscaping company caring for a new install or as a homeowner.

There’s no denying that new sod creates instant curb appeal for both new builds and existing structures, but there are a few important points for maintenance that need to be attended to in order to ensure that the sod has a chance to thrive. Fertilizing new sod is one of those important tasks that needs to be done correctly for the health and wellbeing of the sod. See the details on sod fertilization from a Sod University article.

Info on Fertilizing New Sod

The article maintains that some conventional wisdom says to not fertilize new sod for 30 days, but that “Newly laid sod is stressed out after being harvested, transported and installed in its new environment. Why not give it nutrients that will help it successfully establish?”

They recommend fertilizing new sod with an even-ratioed fertilizer. They maintain “you DON’T want to use a fertilizer that’s heavy with nitrogen,” and that “When new sod is given nutrients like phosphorus and potassium, the roots don’t have to struggle as much with attaching to the new soil and successfully establishing.” Essentially, “the N-P-K ratio you’ll be looking should be even like a 15-15-15 or an 8-8-8.”

The article shared that because “Nitrogen and iron are responsible for keeping your grass green,” you want to give the new sod the tools it needs to create deep, strong roots, adding that “phosphorus serves to help with root growth so that your sod connects with the soil underneath it and deepens, causing the sod to stick to the ground. Potassium affects drought tolerance, cold hardiness and disease resistance.”

As always, make sure new sod is watered regularly so that it does not dry out.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions -or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  

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