Details of The FTGA’s 71st Annual Conference and Vendor Showcase

See the details of the Florida Turfgrass Association’s 71st Annual Conference and Vendor Showcase, which runs December 3rd-5th.

The Florida Turfgrass Association (FTGA ) is gearing up for their 71st Annual Conference and Vendor Showcase in early December. The year’s theme is “Building a Foundation for the Future,” which Eric Dixon, FTGA Conference Chair, said “underscores the FTGA’s commitment to advancing the turfgrass industry by supporting business development and your turfgrass career path,” in a letter on the FTGA’s website. Dixon promised that the event would feature industry-wide professional development, a Vendor Showcase, and networking events. See the details below.

Conference Details

When: December 3–5, 2024

Where: World Equestrian Center in Ocala, Florida.


  • “In keeping with the career and business development focus, we are honored to welcome Dan Ralphs, CEO of The Lawn Care CEO, as our keynote speaker.”
  • “This year’s conference will offer comprehensive Athletic Field Management, Golf Course Management, Landscape and Irrigation, and Sod Production workshops. Sessions will be led by University of Florida faculty and industry experts who will present the latest science-based research, best practices, and innovative solutions to the challenges we face.”
  • “The Conference will include a Vendor Showcase in the World Equestrian Center’s 20,000 square-foot arena. It will provide you with expanded opportunities to network with key industry partners and view their products, services, and technologies in a relaxed and festive atmosphere.”
  • “A variety of networking events, including the Leadership and Development Reception, the famous Corn Boil, and the annual golf tournament to be held at Candler Hills with host and Past President Andrew Jorgensen, CGCS. These networking events will foster meaningful connections and collaborations within our community.”

See the full schedule here.

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