Details of the Citrus Recovery Act

Explore the details of the Citrus Recovery Act, which is a bill to amend the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC).

The Citrus Recovery Act, or SB 1002, was introduced by Sen. Danny Burgess (R-District 20). According to a Citrus Industry article, the bill aims to amend the Florida Citrus Commission (FCC), the governing body of the Florida Department of Citrus. See the details of the bill below.

Citrus Recovery Act Details

According to the article, “The Citrus Recovery Act would make the FCC larger and would revise the geographic coverage that each commissioner represents.” Additional highlights of the bill include:

  • Increases the membership of the FCC from nine members to eleven
  • Increases the number of citrus districts from three to six and revises the counties that comprise each district
  • Requires certain entities to provide reports on citrus production research to the commission at specified intervals and upon request of the commission
  • Requires that new varieties of citrus fruit produced from research or studies funded by state funds be made exclusively available for licensing and purchase to certain Florida producers for a specified timeframe
  • Requires producers who receive such exclusivity to retain the exclusivity for a specified timeframe and provides pricing requirements for such arrangements

Burgess said in the article, “With the continued consolidation of the industry and urban growth trends over the past decade, it’s time to redistrict to maintain equal representation of the industry growing regions on the commission.”

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