CRDF Looking for Citrus Growers for Rootstock Trials

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation is looking for Florida Citrus Growers to participate in rootstock trials.

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) is looking for citrus growers to participate in new large-scale rootstock field trials, according to a Citrus Industry article. A rootstock field trial is conducted to evaluate up-and-coming rootstock. See the details of the trials below.

Details on Citrus Rootstock Trials

The article shared there are sixteen rootstocks that have shown promise in small-plot field trials. The start of the citrus rootstock trials are slated to begin next year,

in the spring or summer of 2022. Those rootstocks, both new rootstocks and known rootstocks for comparison, include:

  • S. Department of Agriculture candidate rootstocks US-1282, US-1283, US-1281, US-1279, US-1284, US-1516 and Super Sour 2
  • University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) candidate rootstocks UFR-5, Orange 14 and Blue 1
  • Testable rootstocks US-812 and C54
  • Standard rootstocks X-639, US-942, Kuharski and Swingle (sour on the East Coast)

According to the article, the goal of the trials are “to identify plant material with the traits needed for growers to realize the highest possible pound solids per acre and increased tree viability in the HLB era.” Accompanying scions are Valencia 1-14-19, Vernia UF 35-15 and Hamlin 1-4-1, according to the article.

CRDF is looking for growers in the three eco-regions of the Florida citrus industry: Ridge, East Coast and Flatwoods. Growers will receive trees at no cost, and a supplement is included to cover tree planting and installation of tree wraps.

According to the article, “Growers interested in participating and hosting a trial site should submit a letter via email to with contact information, site location, soil type and acreage available.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  

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