Consider These Factors Before Planting a New Citrus Grove: Pests, Tolerance, and Planting

Find considerations concerning pests, tree tolerance, and planting the trees themselves for a new citrus grove.

There are numerous factors to consider for a new citrus grove. In our last blog, we shared the considerations concerning nutrients, soil, and water from UF/IFAS citrus genetic improvement specialist John Chater during the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo in August, and published in a Citrus Industry article; now, we share considerations concerning pests, tree tolerance, and planting the trees themselves. See them below.

New Grove Factors: Pests, Tree Tolerance, and Planting Trees

Chater shared the following factors concerning pests, tree tolerance, and planting the trees for new citrus groves:

Pest and Disease Considerations:

  • “Soilborne pests may be present in a new grove site for many years. Consider planting elsewhere if there’s a history of diaprepes root weevils and phytophthora.”
  • “Poorly managed neighboring groves can increase Asian citrus psyllid, HLB and canker pressures.”

HLB Tolerance Considerations:

  • “Some newer scions, teamed with the right rootstocks, have HLB tolerance. Some that look best include OLL-8 on UFR-17, the new DC line on US-942, and N13-32 Hamlin on UFR-4 or UFR-17.”

Planting Considerations:

  • “Growers should obtain the highest quality young trees possible. It can take 1.5 years for plants to be ready once ordered from the nursery.”
  • “Young trees can be planted most times of the year. Plant in spring if freeze is a concern.”
  • “Plant all trees the day they are obtained. If that’s not possible, keep roots moist and in the shade. Make sure there’s no root circling or J-rooting.”
  • “If using individual protective covers, make sure they are on hand for the day of planting.”
  • “Scion selection is as important as rootstock selection. The scion will determine when harvest occurs.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions -or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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