Congratulations to the New Florida 4R Advocates

Another Florida grower and fertilizer retailer have been named as one of the 2020 4R Advocates, the fifth Florida-based duo to do so.

The environment is important to the Florida ag industry, and that fact has been highlighted once again as another Florida grower and fertilizer retailer pair have been named as 4R Advocates for 2020. The 4R Advocate Program is overseen by The Fertilizer Institute, and 4R Advocates are chosen for their efforts to “turn the 4R Nutrient Stewardship principles into practice, yielding economic and environmental benefits on their farms.” Five pairs are chosen from all over the country, and the 2020 4R Advocates marks the fifth Florida-based pair to be honored. See the details below, and join us in congratulating the latest 4R Advocates.

Latest 4R Advocates

In 2018, Griffin Fertilizer’s own Rob Watson was the retail partner of Citrus grower Glenn Beck to win the award, so we know what an honor it is. The 2020 4R Advocates are John Hundley and Eric Hopkins, of Hundley Farms, in Belle Glade, Florida, and retail partner Tim Stein, of Wedgworth’s Inc., also in Belle Glade, Florida.

Hundley Farms is a family-owned farming operation with 16,000 acres of sweet corn, sugar cane, field corn, radishes, celery, green beans, and cattle. The family started farming the land in the 1930s, and John Hundley started Hundley Farms in 1969 with his wife, Patricia (Patsy) Hundley. In addition to the 4Rs, Hundley Farms follows the South Florida Water Management District’s best management practices and utilizes many additional conservation techniques.

Wedgworth’s Inc. is a family owned and operated business that has been in operation since the 1930s. The state’s largest custom fertilizer dealer, Wedgworth’s Inc. “provides custom blended agricultural plant nutrient products to help Florida farms grow and prosper.”

Join us in saluting these latest 4R Advocates and champions for Florida’s clean water, soil, and air.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  

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