Combating Pink Eye in Cattle

See management strategies for preventing and treating pink eye in cattle, a bacterial infection that can negatively affect your herd.

As the weather gets warmer, the conditions for pink eye in cattle make it easier for the condition to spread. Caused mainly by the Moraxella bovis bacteria, pink eye “can lead to reduced cattle performance, which affects profitability,” according to a Beef Magazine article. See conditions leading to pink eye and preventative measures from the article below.

Causes of Pink Eye in Cattle

There are a handful of environmental factors that can contribute to pink eye in cattle, according to the article. They include:

  • “Face flies irritate the eye and transmit the bacteria” from animal to animal.
  • “Plant material and dust can irritate the eye and contribute to pink eye problems.”
  • “During grazing of mature cool-season grasses, seed heads can irritate the eyes, leading to pink eye.”
  • “Vaccines are available or can be developed with veterinarian help to reduce pink eye issues.”
  • Contact your local Extension livestock field specialist for more regional strategies.

Preventative Measures

These management strategies will help to lessen the occurrence of pink eye infection in your herd:

  • “Face fly control will reduce pink eye incidence. Control methods include back rubbers, dust bags, insecticide products and oral larvicides.”
  • “Clip pastures to reduce seed heads, eye irritation, and incidence of pink eye.”
  • Reset “pastures, leading to regrowth of better-quality forage.”
  • “Veterinarians can help with treatment plans for the best possible outcome.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions -or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  

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