Attend a Citrus Nutrient Management and Irrigation Workshop

UF/IFAS is holding a workshop on citrus nutrient management and irrigation on February 15th at CREC in Lake Alfred.

UF/IFAS Assistant Professor Davie Kadyampakeni and Extension citrus agent Chris Oswalt are hosting a half-day workshop on the latest research in citrus nutrient management and irrigation, according to a UF/IFAS blog. Slated for February 15th at the Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) in Lake Alfred, registration starts at 8:30 am and the workshop itself will start at 9 am. See the details below.

Details of the Citrus Nutrient Management and Irrigation Workshop

According to the blog, at the workshop on citrus nutrient management and irrigation, “Sessions will include an update on Best Management Practices in citrus research, using smart-irrigations apps for irrigation scheduling, using silicon in citrus production, impact of micronutrients on young HLB-affected trees and an optional field tour in the afternoon. Each attendee will receive a notebook of the printed presentations…” and lunch will be provided.

The cost to attend is $30 if registered before February 8th, and $40 after the 8th. Additionally, the blog maintains “Certified Crop Advisors (CCA) continuing education units (CEU) have been requested.”

The agenda is as follows:

8:30 a.m. Registration

9 a.m. Welcome and Introductions, Mr. Chris Oswalt, Multi-County Extension Agent

9:10 a.m. Updates on BMPs in Citrus, Dr. Kelly Morgan, Professor of Crop Nutrition

9:40 a.m. Using Smart-Irrigation Apps for Irrigation Scheduling in Citrus, Dr. Sandra Guzman, Assistant Professor of Hydrology and Smart Irrigation

10:10 a.m. Break

10:20 a.m. Silicon: A beneficial nutrient for citrus production, Dr. Muhammad Shahid, Assistant Professor of Horticulture

10:50 a.m. Impact of Micronutrients on Young HLB-Affected Citrus Trees, Dr. Davie Kadyampakeni, Assistant Professor and Dr. Samuel Kwakye, Postdoctoral Research Associate

11:20 a.m. Wrap-up, Comments/Questions, Mr. Chris Oswalt, Multi-County Extension Agent

11:40 a.m. Lunch

12:40 p.m. Field Tour

Those interested in attending can register here.

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