Citrus Industry Reaction to the CITRUS Act Bill

Citrus industry leaders have favorable reactions to the CITRUS Act Bill


Earlier in July, Florida Congressman Tom Rooney introduced the Citrus Investment in Treatment and Research for U.S. Sustainability Act, or CITRUS Act, which is meant to help the citrus industry nation-wide to fight citrus greening. The act has received praise from the citrus industry from various corners of the country, with citrus industry leaders especially having high praise for the CITRUS Bill. See them below.

Citrus Industry Praise for the CITRUS Act Bill


Citrus industry praise, according to a Southeast AgNet article, included:

– Mike Sparks, Executive Vice President and CEO, Florida Citrus Mutual: “The citrus industry in Florida has been fighting citrus greening for years and without immediate action, Florida orange juice will be a thing of the past. This legislation is critical to not only fund research but to help growers replace trees in order to keep producing oranges. Florida Citrus Mutual is thankful for Congressman Rooney’s leadership on this issue and looks forward to working with him in the coming months to address citrus issues in the Farm Bill.”

– Joel Nelsen, President, California Citrus Mutual: ““California Citrus Mutual applauds Congressmen Valadao and Rooney for recognizing the need to protect one of the nation’s most iconic industries – citrus. The challenge affecting the nation’s citrus supply via this insidious disease, Huanglongbing or citrus greening, is unprecedented in the agricultural community. The USDA and previous Congresses have consistently supported this partnership between government and industry. This legislation preserves what will go down as a case study in public/private partnerships until the war is won. Thousands of family farmers, employees and the national affection for U.S. citrus now have a sustained effort to do what no other country and industry has been able to do; win the war against HLB and find a cure that can protect jobs and one of the nation’s healthiest agricultural products.”

Dale Murden, Grower and President, Texas Citrus Mutual: ““We as growers are just so happy to see this type of legislation and have this kind of support from our lawmakers. In the spirit of true bipartisanship, I love how our legislators can work together for the betterment of the whole citrus industry.”

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