Citrus Greening Solutions Being Studied Right Now

Explore a few of the other citrus greening solutions currently being researched.


Finding a cure or workable treatment for citrus greening is the leading priority at just about every research facility in Florida. According to a Citrus Magazine article about Citrus Research and Education Center (CREC) tree physiologist Christopher Vincent, citrus greening solutions are the focus of all research currently underway at CREC. Explore some of the citrus greening solutions that are being researched that you may not have heard about yet.

Citrus Greening Solutions


We’ve all heard about bactericides and the potential offered by CRISPR gene editing, but they are not the only research being conducted at CREC. “Even if we’re interested in looking into other things, this needs to be solved in order to be able to have an industry to work with in the future,” Vincent is quoted as saying in the article. The piece talks about solutions for citrus greening such as:

  • Using kaolin clay to repel the Asian citrus psyllid, which transmits citrus greening. The white clay is typically used to prevent sunburn or heat damage on the leaves. However, one research study has found that dying the clay has helped prevent psyllids.
  • Applying a hormone to the plants as a defense mechanism. The type of hormone is a brassinosteroid. Research began in Cuba, and they are also being tested to see if they will work in Florida.

Researchers are also trying to discover why a citrus plant infected with the citrus greening bacteria will cease moving carbohydrates from the leaves to other parts of the plant. It causes a buildup of starch in the leaves, which makes the leaves turn a lighter color. Vincent maintains researchers want to know why it happens in order to create a better solution to fight citrus greening.

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