Citrus Greening Coordinated Network Needs Grower Input

UF/IFAS researchers are developing a coordinated network concerning citrus greening research for citrus growers.

The Florida citrus industry is still operating under the burdens created by citrus greening, and while a great deal of research has been undertaken, “the delivery of research results to growers is often fragmented, and results can be difficult to find,” according to a recent UF/IFAS Tip of the Month article. Written by Megan Dewdney, an associate professor at the UF/IFAS Citrus Research and Education Center in Lake Alfred, the article shares the coordinated network project Dewdney leads as the Project Director. It’s an effort to make it easier for growers “to find information about HLB management and research funded and/or carried out by U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) agencies.” See the details below.

Details of the Coordinated Network for Citrus Growers

According to the article, “The project will develop a database that will make the information more easily searchable, in part by including key words used by growers. Short, non-technical summaries of research projects and findings will be available that will be linked to relevant technical documents if there is interest in the details.”

The coordinated network will also include an advisory committee of growers who “will help prioritize what research areas to focus on first. In addition, surveys will be conducted to understand the priorities of citrus growers from around the United States. From the information gathered from growers, two decision-making tools will be developed based on the available research results to help growers make the most informed management decisions.”

The project needs input from citrus growers, saying those interested in “participating in the surveys or being on the advisory committee, please contact me at or 863-956-8651.”

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