Citrus Green Injection Alternatives

See the citrus greening injection alternatives research projects that have been approved by the CRDF.

The Citrus Research and Development Foundation (CRDF) has approved a number of research projects that are looking into citrus greening injection alternatives or additions, according to a Citrus Industry article. The article quoted CRDF chief operating officer, Rick Dantzler, as saying, “All of this research is dedicated toward finding a substitute for oxytetracycline (OTC) in case the bacterium should develop resistance, or perhaps to find something that works even better.” See the details of the research projects below.

Details of the Citrus Green Injection Alternatives

The article shared that there were three citrus greening injection alternatives, and “The board also put out bids on two other areas of OTC research.” Of the three projects, Dantzler said “For all three of these projects, there is early evidence that the products work well against the HLB bacteria.” He added that ““We also invited a proposal from Yu Wang, a UF/IFAS food science professor. Dr. Wang has a very interesting library of natural products that have antibacterial qualities, so she would like to test them against the HLB bacteria. We think at least a few will work.”

The article added that “The board also put out bids on two other areas of OTC research. One is to test a novel OTC formulation that is pH neutral. OTC that is pH neutral could make it well suited for inclusion with other products, like pesticides, which can lose their efficacy if used with low pHs. Current OTC formulations require low pH. The second is to research OTC injection with the fungicides Kphite, ProPhyt and Magna-Bon CS 2005.”

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