Celebrate Ag Literacy Day Everyday

See how you can make a difference for ag in your area this Ag Literacy Day—November 13th—and every day of the year.

Ag Literacy Day is this upcoming Tuesday, November 13th, as the annual event transitions from a spring observance to a fall date. It’s a time when ag industry members go into classrooms across the state to support the Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc.’s (FAITC) mission of increasing agricultural literacy through PreK-12 education in Florida. Classroom visitors bring a publication to read with students and teach them about agriculture in their community. Attracting new participants to the ag industry is always a necessity. Explore how to get in on the fun this Ag Literacy Day, and how to promote agriculture all year round.

Ag Literacy Day

Ag Literacy Day is organized by the Florida Agriculture in the Classroom, Inc. (FAITC). According to their website, the FAITC is “a non-profit organization that develops and trains teachers and agriculture industry volunteers in its agricultural curricula and materials, which they in turn use to educate students about the importance of agriculture.”

Those in the Ag industry go into Central Florida classrooms and read to student about agriculture. This year’s book is “These Florida Farms!,” which was the 2008-2009 book. They utilized a past book because of changing the event from the spring to the fall.

Ag literacy is important to introduce the industry to students for a number of reasons. Students gain a greater understanding of how their food is grown and sold, and it also introduces agriculture as a career path for students who don’t have any personal connection to agriculture.

Potential readers can explore signing up here, though there are many ways to promote agriculture all year. Agvocates are encouraged to apply to read to classes at any time of the year. Similarly, volunteering with ag groups like FFA and 4-H are additional ways to help introduce agriculture to the next generation.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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