Black Spot Symptoms

UF/IFAS Extension shared information on black spot symptoms for Florida citrus growers because it’s that time of the year.

The University of Florida Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) Extension has released information concerning black spot symptoms, because it’s the time of year when the symptoms typically appear, according to a Citrus Industry article. See the symptoms from the article to look for below.

Black Spot Symptoms

According to the article, there are four black spot symptoms to look out for:

Hard Spot. “The lesions appear on the fruit with the onset of color break and are slightly sunken with a brick-red to brown margin depending on the age of the lesion. A green halo may also be observed surrounding the lesion…”

False Melanose. “This can be found on green fruit as well as mature fruit. False melanose is a collection of many small lesions, which range from tan to brown in color and are slightly raised. Pycnidia are not present in these lesions. As the season progresses, false melanose can become hard spot.”

Cracked Spot. “The lesions associated with cracked spot are large and flat and can be found on green and mature fruit. There is a network of cracks throughout the lesions. Cracked spot lesions are thought to be caused by an interaction with rust mite damage and the CBS fungus. This symptom can also turn into hard spot later in the season.”

Early Virulent Spot. “The lesions on the fruit are small, irregular shaped, sunken areas, which are surrounded by a reddish margin. As these lesions become larger, they can grow together, or coalesce, forming larger lesions. This can lead to virulent spot…”

See the article for additional information.

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