Benefits of New Bentgrasses Approved by A-LIST

See the benefits of new bentgrasses approved by the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf, of A-LIST, for golf courses.

Bentgrasses are typically used in Florida golf courses to overseed bermuda-based greens in winter. shared a story of Lake Wales Country Club reseeding with T-1 bentgrass in 2015. Recently, Turf Magazine shared in an article that the Alliance for Low Input Sustainable Turf (A-LIST) has added three bentgrass varieties to its list of “approved turfgrass species.” A-LIST is a “non-profit organization that conducts independent trials across the U.S. to identify and certify the best performing turfgrass varieties under reduced inputs,” according to the article. See the benefits of new bentgrasses.

Benefits of New Bentgrasses

According to the article, the new bentgrasses are three DLF Super Bents™ varieties: 007XL, 777 (“Triple Seven”), and Macdonald. The article maintains that “The newest grasses are disease resistant, heat and drought tolerant, and require less water, fertilizer, and pesticides.”

Highlights of the benefits of the bentgrass varieties include:

  • “DLF’s 007XL is the newest and most genetically advanced creeping bentgrass available. It cuts the amount of fungicide needed in half as compared to older bentgrasses, and it provides exceptional resistance to dollar spot, brown patch, anthracnose, and pink and gray snow mold.”
  • “777 shows superior performance under heat and wear stress, in addition to providing excellent disease resistance.”
  • 777 “is a dependable variety that will perform in a broad range of environments.”
  • MacDonald was developed for its “high resistance to diseases, specifically dollar spot and brown patch. It also establishes well, recovers rapidly, and resists poa annua invasion.”

A-LISTS approved turfgrasses include:

  • (NEW) Creeping bentgrasses – 007XL, 777, Macdonald
  • Tall fescues – Fayette, Grande 3, Nightcrawler, Raceway, Rebounder, Rhizing Moon
  • Kentucky bluegrasses – Jackrabbit, Mercury, SR 2150, SR 2284, Martha
  • Perennial ryegrasses – AllStar Fore, Banfield, Sideways, SR 4700, Thrive
  • Fine fescues – Chantilly, Quatro, Ruddy, SR 3150, SR 5130

The article maintains “The addition of creeping bentgrasses is the result of decades of work by breeders to develop new varieties.”

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