Benefits of Adding Foliar Fertilizer Applications to Your Nutrient Management Program, Part 1

See why foliar fertilizer applications are a good addition to your citrus soil nutrient management program.

Research has shown that Florida citrus trees infected with citrus greening—and that’s just about 100% of them—do best when their nutrient needs are fully met. Foliar fertilizer applications are a “valuable supplements to soil applications,” according to a Citrus Industry article written by UF/IFAS multi-county citrus Extension agent, Mongi Zekri. See the benefits of foliar applications below.

Benefits of Foliar Fertilizer Applications

The article maintains that “although field research has shown that supplemental foliar feeding can increase yield by 10% to 25% compared with conventional soil fertilization, foliar fertilization should not be considered a substitute for a sound soil fertility program.” Foliar applications are, however, an excellent addition to conventional soil fertilizer applications as foliar applications provide “a more timely and immediate method for delivery of specific nutrients at critical stages of plant growth.”

Foliar fertilizer applications have the following benefits:

  • “Stimulate the natural defense mechanisms of trees.”
  • “Induce pest and disease tolerance.”
  • “Improve fruit yield and fruit quality.”
  • “Rapid nutrient uptake” as foliar applications target “areas where they can be directly absorbed into the plant.”
  • Reduces loss of nutrients that can be common with soil applications.
  • Can “help trees through short but critical periods of nutrient demand, such as vegetative growth, bud differentiation, fruit set and fruit growth.”
  • Can be used “under prolonged periods of wet conditions, dry conditions, calcareous soil, cold weather or any other condition that decreases the tree’s ability to take up nutrients when there is a demand.”
  • Provides nutrients when “the root system is unable to keep up with crop demand or when the soil has a history of problems that inhibit normal nutrient uptake.”

Griffin Fertilizer offers traditional soil-based fertilizers and foliar fertilizers, such as Griffin 400 MZF, a liquid foliar fertilizer containing manganese, zinc, and iron. It is formulated to correct and prevent deficiencies in citrus. Urea is included to aid in uptake.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions -or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  

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