Attend the Florida Beef Cattle Short Course

Florida cattle ranchers should attend the Florida Beef Cattle Short Course, which starts May 8th and continues through the 10th in Gainesville.

Those in the Florida beef cattle industry will be headed to the 2019 Florida Beef Cattle Short Course at the Alto and Patricia Straughn IFAS Extension Professional Development Center in Gainesville, Florida this May 8th through the 10th. The event is billed as the “premier educational event for serious beef cattle producers in the Southeast.” According to the registration page for the event, the Short Course will focus on “the beef cattle industry’s future direction, additional management decision making skills, and new information about specific production and management practices that impact your beef cattle enterprise.” See details of the event below.

Florida Beef Cattle Short Course Details

The Short Course offers an array of presentations aimed at sharing information concerning the industry, presented by professors, researchers, and Extension specialists. Developed by the 2019 Florida Beef Cattle Short Course Program Committee and UF/IFAS the Department of Animal Sciences, presentations include:

  • Market and Industry Trends in the Beef Business – Trey Warnock, Amarillo Brokerage Co.
  • Cattle Cloning: Alpha and Omega – Dr. Ty Lawrence, West Texas A & M University
  • Influence of Environment on Tenderness – Dr. Tracy Scheffler, University of Florida
  • Fed Beef Challenge/How Do FL Cattle Compare – Dr. Bailey Harsh, University of Florida
  • 8:30 Meat Quality and Thermotolerance in Bos IndicusInfluenced Cattle – Dr. Raluca Mateescu, University of Florida
  • Issues in Cow Herd Health – Dr. Kelsey Arellano, University of Florida, CVM-FARMS
  • Reproductive Challenges in Cow-calf Operations – Dr. Mario Binelli, University of Florida
  • Forage Management Application – Dr. Marcelo Wallau, University of Florida

The above is just a sampling of the topics covered in presentations. There are also an array of lunches and dinners for attendees.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.






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