Attend the Finger Lime Symposium

Commercial citrus growers and specialty crop growers are encouraged to attend the Finger Lime Symposium March 23rd.

UF/IFAS is hosting a virtual Finger Lime Symposium for commercial citrus growers and specialty crop growers on March 23rd to give information about this citrus variety to Florida citrus growers interested in growing it. The crop has potential value as an alternative crop in the era of citrus greening for Florida citrus growers and others, according to a Citrus Industry article. See the details below.

Details on the Finger Lime Symposium

Finger limes are a citrus variety that is found in Australia. They are also called “citrus caviar,” and they are growing in popularity in fine dining. They are of particular interest to Florida citrus growers because of their tolerance to citrus greening.

The Finger Lime Symposium is being held virtually on March 23rd from 1 p.m. to 5 p.m. The event is free, but participants must register beforehand.

Topics on the agenda for the symposium include:

  • the development of new finger lime cultivars.
  • an overview of the global finger lime market.
  • UF/IFAS’ connection to Australian researchers.
  • the market potential for Floridian finger limes.

Manjul Dutt, a UF/IFAS CREC citrus researcher and host of the event, said “This is a great opportunity for Florida citrus and specialty crop growers to be introduced to finger limes as a potential option in their grove variety mix.”

Those wishing to attend the virtual event can register here.

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