Attend the AGI-BMP Event for Applying Fertilizer

Applying fertilizer? Fulfill training requirements with the GI-BMP training event February 19th in Orlando.

“Every person who applies fertilizer for hire is required by law to have a Limited Certification for Urban Landscape Fertilizer application;” that was the message of a UF/IFAS blog article announcing a GI-BMP (Green Industries Best Management Practices) training event. The blog maintained that “Fertilizer is regulated in Florida…. In Orange County, Florida, there are additional training requirements and/or application restrictions for ALL types of fertilizer applicators. Fertilizer is regulated because we know that fertilizer drives algae growth in lakes and contributes to other water quality issues. Proper application of fertilizer keeps lawns green and waters blue! There are 3 steps to satisfy the legal requirements of Florida Law and the Orange County Fertilizer Ordinance.”

See the details of the training below.

GI-BMP Training for Those Applying Fertilizer

The blog article maintained that “There are 3 steps to satisfy the legal requirements of Florida Law and the Orange County Fertilizer Ordinance.” These steps are:

  1. State of Florida training requirements: GI-BMP (Green Industries Best Management Practices) is a 6-hour training about best landscaping practices. Every prospective fertilizer applicator is required to attend the 6-hour class and pass an exam with a 75% or higher score. Once you pass, you have your GI-BMP Certificate forever. You must complete STEP 2 in order to be a certified applicator. The class is available in a variety of formats and languages, English, Spanish, and Creole, on the GI-BMP website.

WHAT: Green Industries Best Management Practices (GI-BMP)

  • CEUs: 4 total FDACS CEUs in the following categories – 2 Core 482, 2 Core 487, 2 Private Ag, 2 Ornamental Turf, 2 Limited Commercial Landscape Maintenance (LCLM), 2 Limited Lawn & Ornamental, 2 Limited Urban Fertilizer, 2 Commercial Lawn & Ornamental


  • In person, English: Wednesday, February 19, from 8:15 am – 3:30 pm
  • In person, English: Wednesday, June 18, from 8:15 am – 3:30 pm

WHERE: UF/IFAS Extension Orange County /  6021 S. Conway Rd. / Orlando, FL 32812

2. State of Florida licensing requirements: Limited Urban Fertilizer Certification is the license required to be obtained through FDACS upon successful completion of the GI-BMP Class and Exam in STEP 1. This is the license that CERTIFIES YOU AS A FERTILIZER APPLICATOR. You are required to recertify every 4 years with 4 CEUs (2 Core 482 and 2 Limited Urban Fertilizer). A live GI-BMP class will satisfy the CEU requirement for license renewal for any individuals that have already taken the GI-BMP and passed the exam. Whether a new trainee or recertifying, you will upload your GI-BMP certificates or your CEU forms here:

3. Orange County Fertilizer Ordinance Requirements: Orange County has a fertilizer ordinance. You MUST do STEP 1 and 2 and then work with Orange County to complete STEP 3. There are local regulations linked. Fertilizers applied in Orange County must have limited Nitrogen (65% slow release), 0 Phosphorus (unless soil test shows deficiency), no grass clippings in streets, 25 foot setbacks near water, and use of deflector shields. You are required to show proof of licensure and GET A DECAL FOR YOUR VEHICLES used during application.”

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions -or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.  

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