The 40th Northwest Beef Cattle Conference & Trade Show is scheduled for Wednesday, February 12, 2025.

The focus of the 40th Northwest Beef Cattle Conference & Trade Show is “Profitable Cow Herd Management,” according to a UF/IFAS blog, and it adds that “One of the core principles of this annual event is practical recommendations for cow-calf producers based on research-based information.  This year, the planning team has invited a veteran team of cattle and forage specialists to focus on a core area of ranching, managing the cow herd.” See the details of this event below.

Details of the 40th Northwest Beef Cattle Conference & Trade Show

The details of the 40th Northwest Beef Cattle Conference & Trade Show include:


Wednesday, February 12, 2025

7:30am – 1:30pm CST


Jackson County Extension Office Auditorium

2741 Penn Ave, Marianna, Florida.


Schedule of Events (Central Time)

7:30 – Trade Show opens & Registration

8:15 – Welcome & Program Introduction

8:30 – 2025 Cattle Market Outlook – Hanah Baker, UF/IFAS Beef Cattle & Forage Economics Specialized Agent

9:00 – Key Management Strategies for the Beef Cow Herd – Dr. Rick Rasby, Nebraska Cow/Calf Extension Specialist

9:45 – Trade Show & Snack Break

10:30 –Forage Management for the Cow Herd – Dr. Joao Vendramini, UF/IFAS Forage Specialsit

11:00 – Culling Strategies for the Mature Cow Herd – Dr. Todd Thrift, UF/IFAS Cow-Calf Specialist

11:30 – Cull Cow Marketing – Kalyn Waters, UF/IFAS Extension Holmes County

12:00 – Grilled Steak Lunch

12:45 – 1:30 Trade Show Open

“This educational event is provided for only $10 per person, and includes snacks, a grilled steak lunch, and a surprise collectors item…”

How: “Online pre-registration is required to assist with food preparation and to minimize registration time at the door.  To reserve your seats, go to:

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