See the details of the 2024 Florida Cattlemen Association Convention and Allied Tradeshow, running June 17-20.

Conventions and tradeshows are an excellent time to come together to discuss the industry, learn about the latest science and tech, network with industry peers, see the newest goods and services, and to have fun. The 2024 Florida Cattlemen Association Convention and Allied Tradeshow promises all this and more. See the details below.

Details of the 2024 Florida Cattlemen Association Convention and Allied Tradeshow

The following information about the 2024 Florida Cattlemen Association Convention and Allied Tradeshow were taken from the FCA convention website:

When: “The core dates of the 2024 convention are Tuesday, June 18th- Thursday, June 20th, but as usual, we will have some events on Monday, June 17th.”

Where: Marco Island, FL


Monday, June 17, 2024
10 a.m.-6 p.m. Registration
1 p.m. Sweetheart Contestant Meeting
2-10 p.m. Trade Show Exhibitor Move-In

3-6 p.m. Silent Auction Drop-off
6-8 p.m. FCLA Graduation/YCC Tour Reunion Reception

8 p.m. Lobby Bar Entertainment

Tuesday, June 18, 2024
8 a.m.-5 p.m. Registration
8 a.m.-12 p.m. Trade Show Exhibitor Move-In
8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. FCA Exec. Committee Mtg. & Lunch

9 a.m.-1 p.m. Silent Auction Drop-off
10 a.m. FCW Exec. Committee Meeting & Lunch
10 a.m. Florida Grazing Lands Coalition Meeting
1 p.m. Sweetheart Power Point Presentations
1-6 p.m. Silent Auction Opens
1 p.m. Opening General Session
1:45-5 p.m. Committee Meetings
2-4 p.m. JFCA Check-in & Stockman’s Challenge
2 p.m. FCW Welcoming Reception/Ice Cream Social
2 p.m. Allied Meeting (Mandatory for All Exhibitors)
4 p.m. Allied Members’  Trade Show Opening Reception
4-8 p.m. Trade Show Open (Cash Bar in Show Area)
6-8 p.m. FCW Officers, Past Pres., & Chair Reception
8 p.m. Big Loop Dummy Roping & King of the Reach

8 p.m. Lobby Bar Entertainment

Wednesday, June 19, 2024
7 a.m. FCA BOD/General Membership Meeting
8 a.m.-4 p.m. Registration
8 a.m. -9 p.m. Silent Auction Open
9-11:30 a.m. FCW BOD/General Membership Meeting
9-11 a.m. JFCA General Session/Business Meeting
12 p.m. Youth Appreciation Luncheon
1-4:30 p.m. Trade Show Open
4:30-7:30 p.m. Trade Show Exhibitor Move-Out
5 p.m. Cattlemen’s Reception
6 p.m. Cattlemen’s Supper
8 p.m. Bull Auction (immediately following Supper)
8 p.m. Junior Dance
9 p.m. Silent Auction Closes (item pick-up)
(immediately following Bull Sale)
9 p.m. Concert and Dance

Thursday, June 20, 2024
7 a.m. FCA Past Presidents/Exec. Committee Breakfast
8 a.m. FCW Membership Breakfast
8 a.m.-12p.m. Registration

9 a.m. Florida Brahman Breeders Assoc. Membership Meeting
10 a.m. Golf Tournament
1 p.m. Volleyball Tournament
6 p.m. President’s Reception
7 p.m. Cattlemen’s Banquet (dress: Evening Attire)
8 p.m. Junior Dance
9 p.m. Concert and Dance

How: Registration information can be found here.

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