Advantages and Disadvantages of Fertilization Methods for Citrus

See the pros and cons of different fertilization methods for citrus as shared by the UF/IFAS commercial fruit crop agent for Lake and Orange counties.

When it comes to fertilization methods for citrus, growers have a few different options. The advantages and disadvantages of those options were shared by Brandon White, a biological scientist and the commercial fruit crop agent for Lake and Orange counties, at the Citrus Nutrition Day in October. The details were shared in a Citrus Industry article. See them below.

Fertilization Methods for Citrus

The following are soil-based fertilization methods for citrus:

Soil-applied methods utilizing granular (dry) fertilizer. Traditional soil-applied granular fertilization is applied to the soil.


  • It is inexpensive
  • The nutrients are readily available to the plant


  • It is subject to leaching
  • Multiple applications increase labor and costs

Controlled-release fertilizer (CRF). A soil-applied granular fertilization that is formulated to release small amounts of fertilizer over time.


  • It gives the tree a constant supply of nutrients
  • It requires fewer applications than other fertilization methods


  • It is expensive

Fertigation. This is the application of liquid fertilizer though an irrigation system.


  • It is relatively inexpensive,
  • It offers flexibility in application
  • It provides a constant nutrient supply in small doses


  • It is high maintenance, requiring a cleaning and flushing plan
  • It is not suitable for all nutrients

The following is a foliar-applied method:

Foliar-applied fertilization. This is where nutrients are applied to the leaves in a citrus tree’s canopy.


  • It is the quickest fertilization method
  • It allows growers to assist trees during times of high demand or other hindering conditions such as wet, dry or cold weather


  • A foliar nutrition program must be coupled with a soil nutrition program and that it causes leaf burn when not applied at the correct time

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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