A Look at Watermelon Varieties

Explore the details of different watermelon varieties available for cucurbit growers to raise in their fields.

Watermelon is a favorite food of many, and Florida is the largest producer of watermelon in the country. With The Sunshine State’s long growing season, Florida is the source of most of the nation’s winter season watermelon. In 2021, Florida watermelon growers produced 1.02 billion pounds of the fruit. There are more options for watermelon growers when it comes to watermelon varieties than ever before. See an excerpt below from a Growing Produce article.

Interesting Watermelon Varieties

The differences in watermelon varieties include sizes, flavor, presence of seeds, and even color. These are an excerpt of 24 different varieties of watermelon:

Crimson Sweet Yellow.’ Described as “sweet and delicious. It has a yellow flesh and seeded. Grows well throughout the U.S. Matures in 80 days. “

Dark Knight.’ It “is an eye-catching hybrid with its 14- to 16-inch globe shape. It has excellent dark-red, flesh quality, with medium firmness. Uniquely dark and glossy with smooth rind, and high Brix. This triploid weighs 14 to 17 pounds and can be grown in the Northeast and Southeast. Matures in 80 days.”

Nobility F1.’ This watermelon “has firm flesh, is extra sweet, and seeded. It grows well throughout the U.S. Matures in 90 days.”

‘Onza.’ A high yielding personal-sized tiger watermelon. ‘Onza’ offers strong tolerance to Powdery Mildew with a strong plant. Good distribution of six- and eight-count fruit size with high Brix, excellent internal color and shelf life. Ideal for all growing regions. Matures in 80 days.

‘Triple Baby F1.’ It “is a seedless Triploid with deep-red flesh weighing 7 to 8 pounds. Grows throughout the U.S. region and matures in 65 days.”

‘Virtue.’ “Large seedless watermelon producing mostly 36- to 45-count fruit sizes. Early season variety that prospers in cool conditions. This blocky fruit features a light-green rind with hazy, broad, medium-dark -green stripes and bright-red flesh. It grows in the U.S. region and matures in 80 days.”

See the full array of watermelons in the full article here.

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