A Look at the Thanksgiving Meal

See facts and statistics about the traditional Thanksgiving meal, brought to you by hard-working US farmers.

Sitting down to a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is a favorite way to kick off the holiday season, and it’s all thanks to the hard-working men and women of the US agriculture industry. The American Farm Bureau Federation shared results of a survey recently outlining statistics concerning the traditional Thanksgiving Day feast. See those facts and stats—plus some from Florida’s ag industry—below.

Facts and Stats About the Thanksgiving Meal

Conducted by Morning Consult, the poll found these interesting results:

  • 90% of Americans celebrate Thanksgiving by cooking a special meal.
  • 95% of adults serve turkey at their Thanksgiving feast, and half serve both turkey and ham.
  • Other favorite dishes at the Thanksgiving table include macaroni and cheese, gravy, corn, and different types of desserts, like apple pie, pecan pie, and chocolate desserts.
  • 88% of adult respondents were not aware farmers receive 8 cents of each dollar consumers spend on food.
  • 92% of respondents celebrated Thanksgiving with a meal at home or at a family member’s home.
  • 84% of respondents cooked the entire meal themselves, and 14% purchased some items fully cooked.
  • Florida’s leading commodities that grace the Thanksgiving table include sugarcane (1st in the nation), sweet corn (6th in the nation), potatoes (13th in the nation), and eggs (17th in the nation) according to the USDA.
  • Florida leads the nation in the production of oranges, cucumbers, sugarcane, and watermelon.

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.

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