A Look at OTC Injection Trial Results

See OTC injection trial results from research plots around the state that were shared at a grower informational meeting.

Mid-November saw Florida citrus growers gathering at Kenny and Cookie Sanders’ Grove House in Zolfo Springs for a grower informational meeting; one of the topics discussed was the latest research on trunk-injection therapy, according to a Citrus Industry article. UF/IFAS researchers shared OTC injection trial results; growers are keen to see their citrus trees benefit from the injections of oxytetracycline (OTC). See the details of the results below.

OTC Injection Trial Results

The following OTC injection trial results were shared:

2023: The trial was located on the “east coast of Florida on Valencia/sour orange trees planted in 2013, the higher rate of OTC (1.1 gram) applied in 2023 produced a yield of 29.6 pounds per tree compared to 17.6 pounds per tree in the control.” Additionally, “the high rate of OTC produced a Brix of 10.5 compared to 9.1 in the control.”

2024: “the higher dose of OTC performed even better, yielding 69.3 pounds per tree compared to 31.3 pounds in the control,” and “the high rate of OTC produced a Brix of 11.3 compared to 9.7 in the control.”

Takeaways from the research included “the injection of OTC improved the yield and Brix of trees over the control where no OTC was applied. The higher rate of OTC produced larger effects in terms of yield and quality increases. And in trials where applications had been made over two years (2023 and 2024), the benefits of OTC were cumulative.”

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