A Look at Florida Citrus Statistics

The latest Florida Citrus Statistics show that The Sunshine State is still the leader in citrus acreage in the United States.

The Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services (FDACS) recently released its publication on Florida citrus statistics, titled “Florida Citrus Statistics 2022–23.” See the highlights from the publication, from a Citrus Industry article, below.

Highlights from the Latest Florida Citrus Statistics

The article shared these highlights from Florida Citrus Statistics 2022-23:

  • “Florida’s citrus acreage at 332,256 acres, down 11% from the prior season. The net loss of 43,046 acres was 11,000 acres more than was lost the previous season.”
  • “New plantings at 6,203 acres were down from the previous season.”
  • “All 24 citrus-producing counties surveyed in Florida showed decreases in acreage. Hendry County lost the most acreage, down 11,073 acres from the previous season.”
  • “DeSoto County remained the leader in acreage with 60,845 acres, followed closely by Polk County at 60,131 acres.”
  • “Statewide orange acreage was at 303,284 acres, down 12% from the previous season. Valencia acreage accounted for 62% of the total orange acreage. Non-Valencia acreage represented 36%. The remaining orange acreage was unidentified.”
  • “Grapefruit acreage in the 2022–23 season was pegged at 15,887 acres, down 12% from the previous season. White grapefruit acreage accounted for 11% of the total with 1,774 acres, while red grapefruit accounted for 88% of the total with 14,054 acres. The remaining grapefruit acreage was unidentified.”
  • “Specialty fruit acreage was at 13,085 acres, down 4% from the previous season. Tangerines and tangelos accounted for 60% of the specialty fruit, with 7,802 acres. The remaining acreage includes lemons and other citrus acreage, with a total of 5,283 acres or 40%.”

The article maintained that “Although Florida’s bearing citrus acreage has tumbled 50% since the finding of HLB in 2005, the Sunshine State still has the most bearing citrus acreage in the United States. Florida had 298,400 bearing acres in 2022–23 compared to California’s 267,000 acres. Texas had 16,400 bearing acres, and Arizona had 6,400 bearing acres.”

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