Study to Improve and Revise Citrus Leaf Nutrient Sampling Guidelines

See the results of a study to improve and revise citrus leaf nutrient sampling guidelines by UF/IFAS.

“Effective nutrient management and accurate nutritional analysis are critical for tree growth and maximum yield,” maintained a UF/IFAS Tip of the Week article. Effective nutritional management and accurate nutritional analysis are even more important in the HLB era where nearly all commercial citrus trees are affected by citrus greening. UF/IFAS has been conducting studies to revamp nutrient guidelines for HLB-infected citrus trees; the article shared the results of a study to improve and revise citrus leaf nutrient sampling guidelines. See the details below.

Study Details for Citrus Leaf Nutrient Sampling Guidelines

The article sharing the details of the study on citrus leaf nutrient sampling guidelines maintained that “The goal was to determine the optimal sample collection method and assess the frequency of leaf sampling required per year to capture the tree’s nutritional status effectively and adjust fertilizer accordingly.” Sweet oranges, Hamlin and Valencia, were used in the study.

During the study, “emerging spring and summer flushes were tagged on HLB-affected (mild and severe) Hamlin and Valencia trees in a Central Florida grove over two years. The leaves were collected four times per year for nutrient analysis. Results of both spring and summer leaf analysis were used to develop the fertilization plan.”

Highlights from the research include:

  • “Fertilization based on leaf nutrient analysis resulted in improved tree health with increased canopy growth and less decline.”
  • “Spring leaf nutrient levels correlated to canopy density. “
  • “Nitrogen and iron support tree canopy health in the spring. These nutrients promote healthy leaves and vegetative growth.”
  • “Later in the year, potassium and boron became more crucial as the focus shifts toward fruit development and quality.”
  • At least two leaf samples (June and September) are needed to improve the canopy and fruit growth of HLB-affected trees.”

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