Mitigating High Wind Damage in Citrus
Explore your options for helping trees recover from high wind damage in citrus. Florida is no stranger to high winds with annual hurricanes, daily thunderstorms during the summer wet [...]
Explore your options for helping trees recover from high wind damage in citrus. Florida is no stranger to high winds with annual hurricanes, daily thunderstorms during the summer wet [...]
Variety displays, research reviews, tours, and field days are scheduled for the coming months; mark your calendars now. Citrus variety displays and other events that showcase new citrus varieties in [...]
The UF/IFAS Tip of the Week shares tips for control options when there is a late detection of brown rot in citrus. According to the UF/IFAS Tip of the [...]
UF/IFAS research is yielding science-backed fertilizer rates that align with the 4Rs; seminars are scheduled. UF/IFAS researchers have been conducting research into recommended fertilizer rates since 2022 when state [...]
Recent citrus nutrient research looked at the effects of potassium, calcium, and boron on fruit size and quality. Citrus greening, also known as HLB, has severely affected citrus in [...]
Find considerations concerning pests, tree tolerance, and planting the trees themselves for a new citrus grove. There are numerous factors to consider for a new citrus grove. In our [...]
Find considerations for nutrients, soil, and water that you must factor in when planting a new citrus grove. There are many factors to consider when planting a new citrus [...]
Find information from UF/IFAS on recognizing and managing brown rot and greasy spot. UF/IFAS researchers presented in late August on the symptoms and management of brown rot and greasy [...]
Missed the Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo? Find presentations and more from UF/IFAS here. The Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo was held August 21–22 in Tampa, and it was a wealth of [...]
See tips from a UF/IFAS Extension agent for enhancing your nutrient program in your citrus grove. Nutrients are one of the most important parts of an ag operation, and [...]
Read responses from Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, about citrus trunk injection purity for active and inactive ingredients. Florida citrus growers are looking ahead to a third year [...]
Explore responses from Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, over concerns that citrus trunk injects injure trees due to low pH. Many Florida citrus growers have completed their second [...]
See the details of seminars at the upcoming Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo, August 21–22 at the Florida State Fairgrounds in Tampa. The Citrus & Specialty Crop Expo is [...]
See tips for getting the most out of foliar fertilizer applications when you add them to your nutrient management program. In our last blog post, we shared the benefits [...]
See why foliar fertilizer applications are a good addition to your citrus soil nutrient management program. Research has shown that Florida citrus trees infected with citrus greening—and that’s just [...]
See details of the ReMedium TI label change for Florida citrus growers wanting to administer oxytetracycline for a 3rd year. Florida citrus growers have been administering oxytetracycline (OTC) via [...]
The ReMedium TI two-year restriction has been waved, which is good because not all OTC products are the same. Florida citrus growers have been utilizing tree-trunk injections of an [...]
Read a Q&A with Sarah Strauss, a UF/IFAS associate professor of soil microbiology, on oxytetracycline and the soil microbiome. Oxytetracycline (OTC) injections have been ongoing for two years, and [...]
See the causes, impacts, and remedy options for managing drought stress in citrus trees for Florida citrus growers. Managing drought stress is generally not a concern for Florida citrus [...]
See the latest answer to citrus trunk injection questions from Tom Johnson, owner of TJ BioTech, for Florida citrus growers. We shared the first Q&A with Tom Johnson, which [...]