Congratulations to the 2019 4R Advocates and Their Sustainable Fertilizer Management Practices

The 2019 4R Advocates—including another Florida duo—are honored for their outstanding use of fertilizer management practices.

In 2018, Griffin Fertilizer’s Rob Watson was one half  of the grower/retailer pairs to be honored as a 4R Advocate. It’s a designation awarded by The Fertilizer Institute to five grower/retailer pairs who “have demonstrated implementation of innovative and sustainable 4R fertilizer management practices on the farm to increase agriculture production while reducing environmental impact.” We were honored to be recognized, and we wanted to congratulate all of the 2019 4R Advocate duos, with special kudos to another Florida winner. See the details below.

4R Advocates and Sustainable Fertilizer Management Practices

4R Advocates utilize the 4R Practices of using the Right fertilizer source at the Right rate, at the Right time, and in the Right place in order to increase production, increase profitability, enhance environmental protection, and to improve sustainability.

Chris Jahn, The Fertilizer Institute’s (TFI) President and CEO, said in a TFI press release on the 2019 4R Advocates, “Farmers rely on trusted retailers and advisors, along with other farmers when making decisions about fertilizer application. TFI’s 4R Advocates serve as real-world examples of how implementing 4R practices on a farm can positively impact the bottom line and provide environmental benefits.”

The 2019 4R Advocates are:

  • Dustin Grooms, Plant City, Fla.
  • Jerrod Parker, Chemical Dynamics, Inc., Plant City, Fla.


  • Michael Ganschow, Walnut, Ill.
  • Malcolm Stambaugh, AgView FS, Walnut, Ill.


  • Danny Basham, Jr., Madisonville, Ky.
  • Phillip Osborn, Nutrien Ag Solution, Clay, Ky.


  • Jonathan Quinn, Warwick, Md.
  • Kenny Glenn, Southern States Cooperative, Middletown, Del.


  • Brian Herbek, Deweese, Neb.
  • Bill Nejezchleb, Fairfield Non Stock Coop, Fairfield, Neb.

Congratulations to the winners, who will spend the year actively engaging as advocates for the 4Rs. We would like to especially congratulate our fellow Florida 4R Advocates, Dustin Grooms and Jerrod Parker with Chemical Dynamics, Inc., both in Plant City, Florida!

Griffin Fertilizer is committed to helping both growers and ranchers make sound agronomic and economic decisions in order to maximize the health of their grove and pasture. As a full-service custom dry & liquid fertilizer blender and crop protection product distributor, we will continue our mission to further advance Florida agriculture. For questions or concerns about your farm or pasture, contact us and one of our team will be in touch.


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