
GRIFFIN GREEN SOIL TREATMENT is a proprietary nutrient solution containing two highly soluble forms
of elements essential to plant growth, crop development, crop quality, and yield. These elements are in the
correct ratios to provide the building blocks for the complex enzymatic reactions essential to overall plant
health. This product is formulated with Dipotassium Phosphate.

• Dipotassium Phosphate has a very low salt index and can be safely applied at higher rates than many
other products.
• Dipotassium Phosphate provides readily available phosphorus and potassium.

GRIFFIN GREEN SOIL TREATMENT also includes Soil-Set® from Alltech® Crop Science. Soil-Set® is a natural
fermentation product designed to aid in the optimization of soil microbiology, and to systematically
enhance the plant’s ability to defend itself from disease.

GRIFFIN GREEN SOIL TREATMENT contains humic & fulvic acids which enhance the soil’s capacity to
attract and hold essential nutrients and aid in neutralizing toxins in the soil.
Compatibility—GRIFFIN GREEN SOIL TREATMENT has a neutral pH and is compatible with most common
foliar pesticides and nutrients. However, USER ASSUMES FULL RESPONSIBILITY to ensure compatibility
when tank mixing with other products.



Total Nitrogen ……………………………………………………6.000%
Available Phosphorus as P2O5 …………………………..6.000%
Soluble Potassium as K20 ………………………………….6.000%
Boron as B ………………………………………………………….0.200%
Copper as Cu (chelated) ……………………………………0.162%
Iron as Fe (chelated) ………………………………………….0.100%
Manganese as Mn (chelated) …………………………..0.110%
Molybdenum as Mo ………………………………………….0.001%
Zinc as Zn (chelated) …………………………………………0.200%



Urea, Dipotassium Phosphate, Sodium Borate, (Copper,
Iron, Manganese & Zinc EDTA), Sodium Molybdate, .5%
Humic & Fulvic Acid, Bacterial Fermentation Media &
Plant Extracts
Weight Per Gallon: 10.50 lbs
Manufactured by:
Griffin Fertilizer Company
3201 South Scenic Hwy, Frostproof, FL 33843
Phone: 863-635-2281


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